industries we serve
- Steel Mills
- Fertilizer
- Paper Mill
- Foundries
- Power Plants
- Cement Plants
- Engineering Works
- Petrochemical Plants
- Power Plants
- Paper Mills
- Foundries
- Engineering
- Pharmaceuticals
- Petrochemical plants
- Textile Industries
- Printing industries
Goods Lifts
Goods Lifts is the most popular design by R-Cranes Engineers and proven to be very useful for wide applications of goods lifts. Goods Cage is provided with a collapsible gate & with Goods Cage being guided by supporting guide structure / wall mounted T guider, R-Cranes hoist are used for hoisting & lowering the Goods Cage from ground floor to top floor. Interlocking system & limit switches are provided for the lifting the material safely. Also, Counter balancing weight type goods lift is having lifting machine with drive pulley, helical gear box, motor and brake. The lifting m/c, is mounted at top in m/c. room. The lifting is done with four rope construction and each rope has four fall construction. The special arrangement is made considering heavy loading and continuous operation.
Type of Goods Lifts
- Cage Hoist type
- Counter weight type
- With Self supporting Structure / Wall mounted without self supporting structure.
- Flame Proof / Non- Flame Proof type
R-Cranes Engineers specialize in Cage Hoists suitable for hazardous area gas groups I, IIA, IIB & IIC along with all the electrical equipment duly certified by Central Mining Research Institute, Dhanbad.
The Goods Lifts is also specially designed and customized according to the customer’s specific requirements.